Impact Areas

Issues and Opportunities

Sustainable Development Baselines

SDG1: No Poverty

End poverty in all its forms everywhere

SDG3: Good Health & Well-Being

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

SDG4 Quality Education

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

SDG5 Gender Equality

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

SDG6: Clean Water & Sanitation

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

SDG7: Affordable & Clean Energy

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

SDG8 Gender Equality

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

SDG9: Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

SDG10: Reduced Inequalities

Reduce inequality within and among countries

SDG11: Sustainable Cities & Communities

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

SDG12: Responsible Consumption & Production

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

SDG16 Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

SDG17 Partnerships

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development


Public Finance and Social Protection

Targeting the Poor | Sustainability of Social Protection | Labour Market Participation | Finding the Right Fiscal Policy | Stabilizing Economies, Keeping Protections

"Many countries in both the developed and the developing worlds face serious challenges when it comes to providing retirement security for the elderly, opportunity for young people, and broader financial well-being for everyone. As life expectancy rates increase, and government participation in benefits programs declines, new approaches are needed in order to support ageing populations. Meanwhile the methods adopted to stabilize national economies must better account for resulting impacts on vulnerable populations, and the systems we use to identify those most in need must be improved."

Civic Participation

Inventing New Modes of Governance | Responding to Shifts in Power | 21st Century Citizens | Digital Participation | A Breakdown in Trust | The New Decision-Maker

"Bottom-up forms of civic participation are flourishing in a new era powered by technology. People are getting organized quicker and in greater numbers, and tools like petitions, direct action and civil disobedience are back on the scene."


Environmental Stewardship | The Common Good | Bolstering Human Dignity | Maintaining Trust

"Values are the basis of personal and collective judgments about what is important in life - influenced by culture, religion, and laws. They are factors in our decision-making on social, environmental, and political matters, and on the best uses of our time, money, and natural resources."

Future of Economic Progress

Taxation and Sustainable Growth | Globalization | Economics of Environmental Sustainability | Economics of the Fourth Industrial Revolution | Inclusive Growth | Productivity and Competitiveness

"Global economic progress is falling short of expectations. The uncertainty caused by technologies associated with the Fourth Industrial Revolution, dramatic shifts in international cooperation and trade, and political upheaval have left many disillusioned - and triggered social tension, worsening inequality..."

Workforce and Employment

Labour Market Demographics | Social Protection | Training and Certification Systems | Inclusive Labour Markets | Job Creation and Entrepreneurship | Disruption to Jobs and Skills | New Work Models

"The world of work is changing fast; recognizing and mapping new work models will be essential for channelling that change into the creation of stronger labour markets. Job creation is a constant on the global agenda, as are policies intended to ensure greater protections for both workers and their employers. The most successful approaches will utilize a firm understanding of demographics, of shifting job roles, and of the evolving demand for skills - and will leverage disruption as a means to design ideal contemporary workplaces."

Illicit Economy

Corruption and Impunity | Crime and the Environment | Violence and Instability | Illicit Trade and Financial Flows | Human Mobility and Exploitation | Cybercrime

"Organized crime may prevent the achievement of nearly one quarter of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, according to the Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime. Illicit trade in people, goods, drugs, money, intellectual property, and natural resources has made criminal networks into multi-billion-dollar syndicates - undermining legitimate companies, the integrity of governments, and public security."


Migration Data and Analytics | “Securitization” and Rhetoric | Governance and Regulation | Talent Patterns | Integrating Migrants | Migrant Rights | Conflict and Security Challenges | Demographic Push | Inequality and Uneven Development

"The United Nations has estimated that as of mid-2019 there were 272 million international migrants globally, equal to 3.4% of the world’s population - compared with 2.8% of the population as of 2000. When internal migration is taken into account roughly one-seventh of the world’s inhabitants are estimated to have migrated at least once in their lives. Emigration and immigration provide tremendous opportunities, though there are challenges tied to integration, social cohesion, labour, and border management."

Humanitarian Action

Defending Humanitarian Principles | Doing No Digital Harm | Paying for Growing Needs | Giving Money, Not Stuff | The ‘Customer’ Knows Best | Making Way for Homegrown Aid

"More than 130 million people - more than ever before - are in need of emergency aid. But humanitarian action is being hampered by political threats and bureaucratic barriers. Humanitarian law is being flouted, as hospitals, refugee camps, and aid workers become military targets. More than 68 million people have been left forcibly displaced by conflict and climate-related disasters, and the $25 billion raised annually to help them isn’t enough."

Human Rights

Human Rights and Civil Society | Human Rights and Resource Scarcity | Human Rights Frameworks | Technology’s Impact on Human Rights | Inequality and Human Rights

"Human rights are inherent regardless of sex, national or ethnic origin, religion, or language. They are grounded in the concept of equal moral status, which underpins legal rights both internationally (the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and related treaties) and domestically (in the form of Bills of Rights). All human rights are interrelated, interdependent, and indivisible."

Mental Health

Open Science | Consumerization of Mental Health | Continuous Monitoring | Mental Health and Machine Learning | Genomics and Mental Health | Destigmatizing Mental Health | Mental Health in the Workplace | Poor Mental Health as an NCD

"The global cost of mental health conditions (and related consequences) is projected a rise to $6 trillion by 2030, from $2.5 trillion as of 2010, according to a study published by the World Economic Forum and the Harvard School of Public Health. That would make the cost of poor mental health greater than that of cancer, diabetes, and respiratory ailments combined. While mental health-related issues continue to have a serious impact on productivity and economic well-being, opportunities to improve awareness, analysis, and treatment abound."

LGBTI Inclusion

Social Discrimination and LGBTI | Mental Health and LGBTI Inclusion | Economic Impact of LGBTI Exclusion | LGBTI Workplace Inclusion | National Legislation and LGBTI Rights | LGBTI Frameworks

"Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex issues are fundamentally human rights issues. Sexual orientation, gender identity (a felt and experienced sense of one’s gender), gender expression (through actions and appearance), and sex characteristics are integral to everyone’s dignity and humanity - and should not become the basis for discrimination or abuse. In reality, however, many LGBTI people regularly face mistreatment and persecution."

Inclusive Design

Technology Access and Inclusion | Inclusive Education Design | Making Urban Areas Inclusive | Human Dignity | Sustainable Community Design | Accessibility and Disability

"Inclusive design is a people-centred strategy for innovation, rooted in progressive, post-World War II ideas about providing ways for the marginalized and excluded - whether economically, culturally or technologically - to gain greater access. "

Cities and Urbanisation

Urban Diplomacy | Urban Society | Urban Resilience | Urban Innovation | Urban Infrastructure and Services | Urban Governance | Urban Environment and Resources | Urban Economies

"While urbanization creates many challenges that threaten the quality of life, it also represents our best hope of solving these challenges; that’s because the density of cities enables innovation, by readily providing testbeds to gauge the effectiveness of related solutions.

Future of Health and Healthcare

Environmental Health and Climate Change | Healthcare Technology | Global Health Governance | Healthcare Delivery Systems | Keeping Populations Healthy

"More than 130 million people - more than ever before - are in need of emergency aid. But humanitarian action is being hampered by political threats and bureaucratic barriers. Humanitarian law is being flouted, as hospitals, refugee camps, and aid workers become military targets. More than 68 million people have been left forcibly displaced by conflict and climate-related disasters, and the $25 billion raised annually to help them isn’t enough."

Infrastructure Development

Infrastructure as a Geopolitical Tool | The Risk of Mismatching Risk | Bankable Project Pipelines | Corruption and Infrastructure | Skill Building for Infrastructure | Infrastructure Technology and Innovation | Private Capital in Infrastructure

"Infrastructure development is essential for economic development. Providing necessary infrastructure can boost health, wealth, access to education, and public safety"