Ageing, Elderly and Older Persons

Our Goals and Areas for Focus

United Nations for Aging and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

G20 Promoting Healthy Ageing

Promoting healthy ageing: What can G20 countries do?

Support prevention policies to avoid unhealthy behaviours before they take hold

  • Promote targeted health and digital literacy interventions.

  • Implement comprehensive policy packages to reduce harmful alcohol use, smoking, and overweight / obesity.

Develop and strengthen health and long-term care systems to provide good care to those who require it, while protecting them from excessive costs

  • Strengthen the role of primary care systems to improve prevention efforts, co-ordination of care, and enable greater access to health services.

  • Move towards universal health coverage (UHC) among countries that have not yet achieved it, ensuring adequate financial protection across the population.

  • Better integrate health and social care services to improve care for people at home.

Encourage active participation in the community through age-friendly community initiatives and demand- and supply-side policies to encourage a healthier, longer working life

  • Work across health and other sectors – including housing, transportation, and security services – to develop services and programmes that promote the autonomy of older people living at home, including those with dementia.

  • Promote training and volunteer programmes that raise awareness and reduce stigma about dementia and other age-related issues throughout the broader society, including individuals, public services, and private business.

  • Reduce incentives to retire early, promote lifelong learning and reward longer working lives, and promote age-diverse work cultures to tackle demand-side barriers to longer employment.

Singapore's Ageing Planning Office

Making Singapore a Nation for All Ages where Seniors can Age in Place and Successfully: To Keep Seniors Healthy, Active and Safe

      1. Keeping Seniors healthy

        • People Association's Wellness Programme

        • Encourage Seniors to Adopt healthy lifestyles via Regular Health Screening and exercise Programmes

        • Enhance neighbourliness and mutual support via Interest groups and Community Activities

        • Council for Third Age to Promote active ageing through funding programmes in lifelong learning and senior volunteerism

      2. Provide Senior-friendly housing and towns

        • Senior-friendly housing via Studio Apartments

        • Multi-generation family-friendly housing

        • Options for Seniors to monetise housing assets

        • Enhancement for Active SEniors (EASE)

        • Silver Zones

        • Barrier-Free Access

      3. Building senior-friendly communities across Singapore though City for All Ages Project

        • Healthy and Active: get Screened early | Manage conditions well | Exercise and lead healthy lifestyles

        • Part of a Closely Knit Community: Have friends and know where to get help | Those who live alone are not lonely and engaged by the community

        • Able to Live Independently and Confidently: Can get around flat and town safely and confidently | Those who need help will be cared for

      4. Provide Access to Quality and Affordable Care

        • Improving Accessibility

          1. Expanding Healthcare Capacity - Acute and Communit Hospitals

          2. Expanding home and community care with nursing homes as backup

        • Enhancing Quality

          1. Shifting towards Care at home and the Community: Acute Centric care to Chronic and Long-term healthcare needs | Health and not just Healthcare

          2. Integrating Care to be more person-centric via our Regional Health Systems with the integration of services and processes

          3. Making home care more comprehensive to support care at home: Interim Caregiving | Home Environment | Transitional Care | Home Rehab | Dementia support | Home Palliative | Home health | Home Personal Care

          4. Innovating to Support Care at Home: Community Health screening | SPICE Support nursing homebound seniors at home | Transitional Care | Ageing-in-place

          5. Integrating Care across health and social sectors: Social and health care under one roof in senior care center | providing social care to facilitate discharge from hospitals

          6. Integrating Care across settings: Nursing Home Care | Day Care | Home Care

          7. Designing Care Facilities near Homes

          8. Enhancing Quality in the long term via Enhancing Care Standards

        • Enhancing Affordability

          1. Making Outpatient Care more Affordable: Means-Tested Subsideis at Private GPs via CHAS | Use of Medisave for chronic diseases

          2. Making Long-Term Care more Affordable: Enhanced ILTC subsidies | Enhanced Seniors' Mobility Fund to subsidise transport and consumables | ElderShield to provide Long-term financial protection

          3. Enhancing Affordablity: Pioneer Generation | MediShield Life


Singapore Based

Singapore Ministry of Health

MOH's I Feel Young SG

How Can I Age Actively

  • Learn

  • Volunteer

  • Work

  • Stay Healthy

  • Retire with a Peace of Mind

How Can We Build Stronger Ties

  • Care for A Senior

  • Love and Respect for Seniors

  • Promoting Inter-genrational Harmony

  • Protecting Vulnerable Seniors

How Can I Age-in-Place

  • Receive Better Care

  • Live in Friendlier Homes

  • Go About Easily

  • Enjoy Public Spaces

  • Study the Way We Age

Agency for Integrated Care

AIC's ABC for Active Seniors

Active Ageing

  • Health Screening: Functional Screening | Chronic Disease Screening

  • Exercises: Sweat it out in group Exercise Sessions!

  • Social Activities

    • Seniors Health Curriculum.

    • Healthy Cooking Class

    • Social Activities

    • Learn New Skills or Pursue Hobbies

  • Future Planning


  • Befrienders Programme

Care and Support in the Community

  • Silver Generation (SG) Ambassadors

  • Day Care

  • Caregivers Training Grant

  • Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS)

  • Primary Care Network

People's Association

PA's Active Aging Programmes

Senior Citizens' Executive Committees | PA Wellness Programme

Health Hub

Health Hub's Active Ageing Programmes

National Silver Academy

  • Learn Something New

  • View Packaged Courses

  • Compare Courses

  • Give Back To Society

  • Learn About Myself

  • Attend Events


Paper for Making Singapore a Nation for All Ages where Seniors can Age in Place and Successfully

Key Points

  • Singapore is Ageing and is taking place at a rapid pace

  • Old Age Support Ratio is Falling: Singaporeans are Living Longer while having fewer babies

  • Social and Healthcare needs are changing

    • Changing Social Needs: Greater need for social Support and Greater Risk of Social Isolation

    • Changing Healthcare needs: More hospital visits and longer hospital stays, more chronic and long-term care needs

  • Looking at Ageing Holistically

    • Transport

    • Aged Care

    • Lifelong Learning

    • Homes and City

    • Social Inclusion and Engagement

    • Lifelong Employability

    • Health and Wellness

    • Research

    • Retirement Adequacy

IGA - Institute of Geriatrics and Active Ageing


Promoting Active Ageing in the Digital Economy: Inclusion, Adaptation and Innovation

Old Age Support Ratio - Infographic by Sing Stats