People Needing Assistance

Those who can Assist, Go Assist.

Those who need Assistance, Seek Assistance.

Let's build a community of people who care for each other and for one another.

Caring for the Well-Being of Everyone

Understanding our Differences and Unique Challenges, Promoting inclusive equality, Developing Self-Reliance & Empowerment Solutions, Providing Accessibility, Support and Assistance for a Better Quality of Life for all.

Beneficiaries Vs Self-Help Vs Assistance

Not everything is about charity and giving money to the less fortunate. Let us offer our time, love and efforts to go out of our way to reach out and befriend, work and invest in our fellow man in need. Sometimes all we need is a hug, a little help to stand up or patience to listen and communicate.

Tapping on Human Capital

Every individual has the potential and capacity to contribute meaningly to our own lives and to the community. We just need accessibility to tools and resources to tap into the vast wealth and range of abilities that we all uniquely have. Don't let valuable resources go to waste!

Our Values

Inclusivity & Acceptance

Valuing individual differences and making everyone feel welcome and accepted.

Self-Help and Mutual Assistance

Offering a vehicle for people with common problems to be empowered, gain support and help each other.

Quality of Life

Ensuring a sustainable and high standard of health, comfort, well-being and happiness.

Self-Actualisation & Active Contributing

To become everything that one is capable of becoming and making a positive difference to those around.

Thriving Communities & Societies

To participate fully in the life of society and be part of shared prosperity.

Caring For

Learning Needs

Autism Spectrum

Mental and Psychological Needs

Physical Accessibility

Financial Needs

Refugees and Internally Displaced Peoples


Single Parents



Migrant Workers

Employment, Job & Careers

What We Offer

| Public Awareness, Civic Literacy & Inclusive Equality |

| Removing Barriers & Providing Access |

| Leadership & Self-Mastery |

| Learning Support, Vocational Training Assistance |

| Income & Sustenance Opportunities |

|Social Entrepreneurship & Venture Building |

Our Programmes and Projects

Social Entrepreneurship

To provide employment as well as business owning opportunities

The SMART & Accessible Home

Using Smart technologies and universal design to make homes comfortable and accessible to everyone.

Technology-Assisted Learning & Training

Using the latest learning aids, pedagogies and well-trained educators

Medical and Technology-Enabled Devices

Introducing cost-effective, innovative and efficacious consumer-level devices to improve quality of life.

Disaster & Emergency Preparedness

To prepare, mitigate and resolve environmental crisis

Alternative Therapies (Pets, Art & Music)

Employing the latest in therapies to heal the mind, soul and to make the best of our situation.

Communications and Relationships

To create opportunities for meaningful and long lasting relationships and interactions with everyone


If you have any inquires, or would like to participate and contribute to our project, please let us know.